Sunday, March 2, 2014

Welcome to my blog!!

Welcome to my blog!!  I just began my personal training career with the YMCA a few weeks back and I'm pretty sure I have one of the coolest jobs in the world.  OK, maybe being an astronaut would be cooler, but being a personal trainer is pretty close (also, I think I might be to old to be an astronaut). 

So here's what this blog will be about...I'm new to this whole fitness industry thing.  I was an athlete when I was younger, sort of got derailed a little bit when it came time to raise my family and finish my college degrees, then found my way back to fitness after said derailment resulted in a 60 + lb. weight gain (for real, I'll post pics someday...).  Working out was part of shedding those extra pounds for me and long story (really, it's kinda long so I'll share it in bits and pieces over the next weeks in subsequent entries) short, I've changed careers and am embarking on this new journey that I could not be more excited about!!  As a personal trainer, I get to help people identify, plan and achieve their fitness goals, what could be more fun than that?!?! Plus, I get to wear yoga pants to work!  I hope you'll join me as I figure things out!!

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