Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ginormous Announcement!!!!

Ok, I have a degree in English so I'm pretty sure ginormous isn't actually a word but it was the only thing I could think of to describe this challenge I've had noodling around in my brain the last fews days.  The pieces weren't quite fitting together until I was at work today at the Y, and BAM-O (another word I'm pretty sure can't be found in the OED), it all came together...I'm going to launch a stability ball challenge!!!  Balance and stability are my areas of practice so I'm super stoked (this one might actully be in the dictionary, though perhaps not in this context) about this challenge! 

Here's the quick and dirty, each day I will be throwing out a stability ball mini workout (10- 15 minutes to complete) that you can do along with your usual resistance and cardio training, or just on it's own.  We'll do this through Easter (April 20th) which will be 7 weeks.  I'm planning on taking before and after pics, you should too if you want!!!  I KNOW YOU'RE PICKING UP WHAT I'M THROWING DOWN!!!  See you tomorrow!!!

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