Sunday, March 9, 2014

Balance Ball Challenge, are you picking up what I'm throwing down?!?

Why a balance ball challenge?  Balance balls are amazing, relatively inexpensive pieces of equipment that can transform your body, no lie!  Just a few of the reasons I love balance balls. 

  • No matter what exercise you're performing on the ball, you're working your core!
  • They enhance your stability and balance (ummm, it's right in the name silly!!)
  • They are relatively cheap.
  • They don't take up a lot of room at home.
  • I think it's a fun workout, and I'm a pro;)
So here are the details for this challenge...

Time frame:  Monday through Friday for the next six weeks

Outline: For weeks one through four, I will introduce a new exercise each day.  For weeks five and six, I will will introduce combos using the 20 exercises introduced during the first four weeks.

What you should do now:
  • Make sure you have a yoga mat, a stability ball and a couple of light weight dumbbells.
  • Take your before measurements (waist at the narrowest part, hips across the hip bones at the widest part, and thighs, 10 inches above the kneecap)
  • Take your before picture.
  • Figure out how you're going to log your challenge.  This can be on a Word doc, in a notebook, in a smashbook, whatever works for you.
  • Log on the blog each day!!!

The are highly encouraged to consult with your physician before beginning this or any other fitness routine to make sure your are healthy enough for exercise.  All participants enter this challenge accepting the inherent risk of physical activity.  The creator is not responsible for any injury that may be sustained through participation. 

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