Sunday, March 9, 2014

So here's the deal....

....I was full steam ahead on this balance ball challenge when life intervened late last week and my tendency (partially because of my life, and partially because of my inability to schedule myself like I'm a mere mortal and not some kind of caped crusader) to over schedule myself and my burning-the-candle-at-both-ends ways caught up with me.  This usually means blood pressure problems...which means rest and re hydrating so that's what I've been focusing on the last few days.  With this time on my hands, I've had the opportunity to think about how I could reset the balance ball challenge and I I've got exciting stuff planned!!!  I'll be back tomorrow (or who am I really kidding, I'll probably get back on tonight because in the end I do fancy myself a caped crusader) to post the details of the new challenge!!!  I'm totally stoke about it (now that I'm rested...kind of, and hydrated...mostly)!!!! 

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